Tarot- Rider Waite Deck
Magician Reversed
Angi- I personally think we should strive to live in the positive and the reversal may be where you are currently but you should use the upright meaning to see where you could be and consciously work toward that.Eric- Today's message is a combination of my dream from last night and this card which shows you may lack seeing the Light is working currently in your life. The Light works differently for every person. Be accepting of what others have to offer you. Although, it may not be in a conventional way according to your beliefs, use your intellect to translate it into your own life. People may be critical rather than accepting, but understand there are multiple paths to the Light of God. We all cross paths for a reason. Whether it is for healing (emotional / physical) or to learn a lesson. Either way you must remain open to each person that enters your life to take the next step toward God.
Angi- Strive to be someone who trusts that God will work through you: but did you know that you have to actually do some work your self and don't just walk around all day knowing you have faith and are not living like it. What do you DO each day that is a positive testament to your character? What would people say about you if they were to describe you? You can't change completely overnight, but just for today try to be a better version of yourself. Imagine the difference that will soon be made if you start to do that each day. What do you have to contribute to the world? What are your gifts/talents? Whatever they are, ask that God help you use them for his will. Did you know if you do, you won't have the problems you may be having in your life right now? We have problems when we go against what we are supposed to be doing.
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