I happen to be a morning person (once I get OUT of the bed). That is when I get the most done. Lately it has been my project to Feng Shui the house. Feng Shui says, NO CLUTTER. Anyone who knows me knows I used to have a clutter issue (and lately who wouldn't with a house of 6 people-one a newborn, one a toddler- so it's extra difficult for me). I used to watch the show Hoarders (more on that later) for motivation to get up and clean. But for some reason, I clean better at night and I am better on the computer, doing school work, learning and reading first thing in the morning. I used to beat myself up over not wanting to clean first thing in the morning (although if I do want to, I certainly go with it!) when the house was such a wreck, I wanted to be doing something NOT productive to the house in the morning. Eric would say at noon, "Have you been on the computer all day?" Which demotivated me for cleaning the rest of the day, which my cleaning mode starts at 2 PM.
Now I just do what I feel the urge to do at the moment.. and more is getting done than ever
Now I don't mean to no nothing if you have the urge to (although that is fine occasionally- I'd say like once a week at first until you are so productive you having nothing to do but nothing, but even then stay busy!).
If you have spent your days unproductively, it is oddly because you are not doing what you want to be doing. Or kind-of doing it, and then feeling bad about what you "should have" been doing instead.
So when you feel an urge to do something, do it! I try to not make plans until the morning of each day. Have you noticed some days you feel social, and others you want to be alone? Some days you feel like going out to eat, and some days you want to stay home and order in or cook? Some days you just want to get outside and exercise and some days you want to go on a road trip?
It's not random, if you go with it you will have a much more fulfilling 365 days! Part of it is your gut instinct helping you be the most productive person you can be.
It may be hard to just do this all of a sudden, so start small. What is it you want to do RIGHT NOW. Go do it, then come back to this (unless this is what you want to be doing most, if so, thanks!). Over the period of a hour/day/week/month you actually get so much more done!Take note of your daily urges either mentally or written so you can look back on your trends. Try to make your schedule match your own nature as much as possible.
What do you feel inspired to do? If you tackle the dishes when you are really feeling it, it won't feel like a chore. Don't think that because society doesn't go do their grocery shopping at Walmart 4 AM that you can't one day just because you feel inspired to.
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