Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who Am I - Angi's Speech for College Class

1)     Who is Angi?   In order to tell you what makes up Angi specifically, I will tell you what I believe are obvious, yet usually overlooked basic aspects of what makes a person.  You have the physical shell which is mostly appearance only, however the type of person you are reflects on the outside by your nonverbal cues and how you conduct yourself; but mostly, the type of person you are is dependent on your internal self which is an individual combination of mind, heart and spirit, and I am going to tell you about my combination today.

a)      With respect to my mind, I am someone who always wants to learn more, I take care of my brain, and I think very logically.
i)        I am always trying to learn new things and become more knowledgeable in areas that are important to my life path.
ii)      I try to take care of my health which supports long lasting healthy brain function by taking supplements that support brain function and also eating healthy.
iii)    I think very analytically, realistically and logically.  I meticulously process everything and all things have to make sense to me.
b)     And although I think so rationally, I still balance my head with my heart, therefore, I will allow myself to put my heart first, and I always act according to my own needs first.
i)        Achieving balance between the heart and head can be difficult for logical people.
ii)      I put my heart before my head when I feel the need, such as in love matters.
iii)    I make sure to remember I have to love myself before I can love others which can seem selfish as a parent or a spouse, but you cannot be any role you play completely unless you take care of yourself first.
c)      My spirit is the most important and most noticeable aspect because I used to live only with head and heart, and it wasn’t until a few months ago that I added my spirit as my prominent guidance, which has improved my life, changed how I make decisions, and made me a better person.
i)        I have direction, life purpose, and meaningful existence now that I have found my spirit.  Before I was logically thinking that we are all on this earth for some time and then die and that is all there is, and my heart wasn’t telling me otherwise.  It wasn’t until my spirit kicked in that notified me otherwise and now I have a life purpose.
ii)      I now go where the where my spirit leads, presiding over my head and heart, and without guilt or resistance.  My heart and head may be confused as to why I am making certain decisions, but it all turns out to be the best call when I’m following my spirit.
iii)    Living a life according to my spirit allows me to be a more compassionate, kind, and generous person instead of just worrying about myself.
2)     I have told you about the head, heart, and spirit concoction that make up Angi.  May you all pay more attention to your own head, heart and spirits leading you from this day forward.  A good quote about this by Lewis Carroll is, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

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