Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who Am I - Angi's Speech for College Class

1)     Who is Angi?   In order to tell you what makes up Angi specifically, I will tell you what I believe are obvious, yet usually overlooked basic aspects of what makes a person.  You have the physical shell which is mostly appearance only, however the type of person you are reflects on the outside by your nonverbal cues and how you conduct yourself; but mostly, the type of person you are is dependent on your internal self which is an individual combination of mind, heart and spirit, and I am going to tell you about my combination today.

a)      With respect to my mind, I am someone who always wants to learn more, I take care of my brain, and I think very logically.
i)        I am always trying to learn new things and become more knowledgeable in areas that are important to my life path.
ii)      I try to take care of my health which supports long lasting healthy brain function by taking supplements that support brain function and also eating healthy.
iii)    I think very analytically, realistically and logically.  I meticulously process everything and all things have to make sense to me.
b)     And although I think so rationally, I still balance my head with my heart, therefore, I will allow myself to put my heart first, and I always act according to my own needs first.
i)        Achieving balance between the heart and head can be difficult for logical people.
ii)      I put my heart before my head when I feel the need, such as in love matters.
iii)    I make sure to remember I have to love myself before I can love others which can seem selfish as a parent or a spouse, but you cannot be any role you play completely unless you take care of yourself first.
c)      My spirit is the most important and most noticeable aspect because I used to live only with head and heart, and it wasn’t until a few months ago that I added my spirit as my prominent guidance, which has improved my life, changed how I make decisions, and made me a better person.
i)        I have direction, life purpose, and meaningful existence now that I have found my spirit.  Before I was logically thinking that we are all on this earth for some time and then die and that is all there is, and my heart wasn’t telling me otherwise.  It wasn’t until my spirit kicked in that notified me otherwise and now I have a life purpose.
ii)      I now go where the where my spirit leads, presiding over my head and heart, and without guilt or resistance.  My heart and head may be confused as to why I am making certain decisions, but it all turns out to be the best call when I’m following my spirit.
iii)    Living a life according to my spirit allows me to be a more compassionate, kind, and generous person instead of just worrying about myself.
2)     I have told you about the head, heart, and spirit concoction that make up Angi.  May you all pay more attention to your own head, heart and spirits leading you from this day forward.  A good quote about this by Lewis Carroll is, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

Friday, July 20, 2012

New Moon in Cancer- Angi

It is a new moon.  Not that I'm going to talk specifically about that, but it is worth mentioning.. remember new moons are for planning and not starting anything you hadn't previously planned.  We are about to leave today on our 2500 mile drive to Las Vegas.  Let me just say that I am not sure if we are even going.  The finds just don't seem to be perfect, although they are doable so this would be a good test of not living beyond our means.  But that is not the important reason why.  The most important reason is I am not sure if spirit actually is taking me on this trip or if it was my ego that wanted to go initially.  We could be ready to get on the road today, no problem, but I know that if you go against spirit, the path will be like going against the current and not with it.  If you are dealing with a crossroads of your own, sit down in that spot and tune in to the spirit station of meditation and you will get your answer.  It is the first one that comes to you, not the second.  I have not done this yet for this trip but I will now.  First, pray that God show you what you need to see in meditation, after ask for a sign of confirmation that what you are thinking is correct, and always thank god when you get that sign.  You can ask for a specific one (mine is butterflies) or just look for something you know is right for you, to jump out.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stress- Angi

Am I feeling so much stress today because I'm supposed to be writing about it?  I am all sorts of off hilter kilter today.  I wish that when we are on a spiritual path is is always easy and peaches and cream, but it's not.  Not much is greatly different today than most days except it FEELS different!  So, it is a matter of view point really.  I wish I could take a magic want and say, OK, I feel better now.  But at this moment I have 50 things to do and zero energy to do them and time to do only 5.  Leaving 45 to do tomorrow.  That is not my idea of fun right now.  I am actually feeling a little like I'm coming down with something which would make sense because most every kid in the house is!  OK, I'll blame it on that.  We are after all in a physical body no matter what we know and feel is beyond this reality.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Charity- Angi

~This is a big topic for me and I don't know why I feel so passionate about it.  I'm going to talk about many ways to give:

  • The biggest thing you can do for charity is be an organ donor.  I literally don't care what your excuses are for why you don't want to. You don't need it after your gone.  If you think you aren't healthy enough, let them decide that.  You are saving a life!
  • Blood Donation- if you are able to, then do it!  As often as you can.
  • Church/charity organizations- this is your $$mullah$$ we are talking about (I will write a whole spiel on this later).
  • Good will- your stuff (junk)/post for free on Craigslist/join freecycle.
  • Volunteer time/skills.  More on this later.
  • Helping people when they are in need without any expectation of return.  That doesn't mean be a doormat!
  • Let people borrow things.  This is good for baby/kid clothes, maternity clothes.
  • Trade things.  Sick of your purse?  Sick of those jeans?  Trade with a friend for a whole new wardrobe for both of you!
~Change your mindset.  Try to listen to people.  Especially the ones you dislike the most that you have to put up with.  Try to understand them.  Pray for people you dislike.

~Ask for God to help you release what you no longer need so that it may be replaced with bigger and better!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Being Productive- Angi

Have you noticed when you wake up you are in the mood to do something?  OK, well if you are not a morning person or not getting enough sleep, you are thinking, NO!!!  But really think about how when you first woke up, you thought, "I really want to do THIS."  It might not be what you were planning on doing the night before ( more later).  At first you might not even be hearing your inner child urging you to do something, but it's like noticing your dreams, once you start to do it, you will get better at it.

I happen to be a morning person (once I get OUT of the bed). That is when I get the most done.  Lately it has been my project to Feng Shui the house.  Feng Shui says, NO CLUTTER.  Anyone who knows me knows I used to have a clutter issue (and lately who wouldn't with a house of 6 people-one a newborn, one a toddler- so it's extra difficult for me).  I used to watch the show Hoarders (more on that later) for motivation to get up and clean. But for some reason, I clean better at night and I am better on the computer, doing school work, learning and reading first thing in the morning.  I used to beat myself up over not wanting to clean first thing in the morning (although if I do want to, I certainly go with it!) when the house was such a wreck, I wanted to be doing something NOT productive to the house in the morning.  Eric would say at noon, "Have you been on the computer all day?"  Which demotivated me for cleaning the rest of the day, which my cleaning mode starts at 2 PM.

Now I just do what I feel the urge to do at the moment.. and more is getting done than ever

Now I don't mean to no nothing if you have the urge to (although that is fine occasionally- I'd say like once a week at first until you are so productive you having nothing to do but nothing, but even then stay busy!). 


 If you have spent your days unproductively, it is oddly because you are not doing what you want to be doing.  Or kind-of doing it, and then feeling bad about what you "should have" been doing instead.

So when you feel an urge to do something, do it!  I try to not make plans until the morning of each day. Have you noticed some days you feel social, and others you want to be alone?  Some days you feel like going out to eat, and some days you want to stay home and order in or cook?  Some days you just want to get outside and exercise and some days you want to go on a road trip?

It's not random, if you go with it you will have a much more fulfilling 365 days!  Part of it is your gut instinct helping you be the most productive person you can be.

It may be hard to just do this all of a sudden, so start small.  What is it you want to do RIGHT NOW.  Go do it, then come back to this (unless this is what you want to be doing most, if so, thanks!). Over the period of a hour/day/week/month you actually get so much more done!

Take note of your daily urges either mentally or written so you can look back on your trends.  Try to make your schedule match your own nature as much as possible.

What do you feel inspired to do?  If you tackle the dishes when you are really feeling it, it won't feel like a chore.  Don't think that because society doesn't go do their grocery shopping at Walmart 4 AM that you can't one day just because you feel inspired to.

Meetup Group

I started a meetup group on the 4th of July because after looking through the plethora of ones available, there was none that were close.  OK, fine I'll make my own then, haha.  Now I haven't checked it in a few days and all of a sudden there are people joining it and asking me questions!  Agh, I almost forgot about it!

My post to them:  

So, I was asked, "what kind of spiritual group is this."  Um, good question.  I don't know yet.  I think spiritual is a good way to say we know there is something out there and we are committed to figuring out what and living for a purpose.  Of course there is more to it than that but I say let's just go with the flow!

I don't want to get heavy in to spirituality from the get go, we really want to get a solid group first.  I think of we can get about 5 people on Sun, that would be great!

Spirituality to me means a lot.  I can connect with nature.  I touched an old tree and saw it as a seedling.  There are just some things that can not be explained out there!


There you have it.  I am excited to see how Sunday goes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Feng Shui- Angi

Always have loved asain culture, I don't know what it is, there is just something about it.  I lived in Japan for a year.  When I went sightseeing, I really connected to it... like when I climbed Mt. Fuji.

Didn't really identify with Korea as much, more it was the bragging rights of being in North Korea for 15 minutes (at the DMZ tour).

Have never been to China, Tibet or Napal, but I feel like those are some places I must see, whether in this lifetime literally, or by past life remembrance, because I know I have been at those places before.

So, I find myself really responding to Feng Shui more now than ever.  I already responded to i-ching which is a part of it, and other things like asian music lately. 

About a week ago I made a Japanese/Chinese flower decoration in the style of Kwan Lin (more on her later) and put it prominently in the Career spot of the house.  The house is starting to look awesome day by day.  I am sure Feng Shui will have a large place in my career that I am setting up because it is coming so naturally to me now.

If you are interested in some Feng Shui in your life, let me know, I would love the practice while waiting to get trained officially.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Feather- Angi

Today was an amazing day, and it went nothing like planned.


Are you stuck firmly in the ground or do you go where the wind blows.  Some times call for either, but when I am out and about, I try to be like a feather in the wind. 

Speaking of feather, I was blessed to find this amazing pheasant wing today at a store we found on the way to church.  I was looking for a FEATHER and I found a WHOLE WING!  We never ended up going to church because there was a family emergency and the rev. couldn't make it.  It was our first time at this one and there was a lady who it was her first time also who invited us down the street to the park.  The playground was amazing.  Built by 3600 volunteers in 5 days.  I mentioned to Eric what amazing things can be done if you have enough volunteers.  It reminded me of how I wanted to do something for the homeless by having them help in some way (long story for another day!).  We saw a great amphitheater that we could have drum circles, etc!

We then saw this amazing abandoned building called Hacienda built in 1929.  Vacant.  Run down.  Not used.  No electricity.  Such a shame because it's so beautiful.  Perla says she feels like we used to live there... hmmmmm!

So, we reeaaallllyyy want to explore if getting our little paws on this property is something that we could do.  It was built to be a hotel and has 55 rooms, and several amazing common areas.  Hmmm.. what could we do with 55 rooms?  So many things it is not even funny!  Some for guests/roommates, some for education.. think about it.. a community of people living together and hmm, somewhat like a village :)  It is something I have been dreaming of and I thought we would have to move out west to do this.. to build this, but if we could get this building... wow, I don't even know what to say right now!

So, I will leave it at that and say.. when you really want something, don't think you can't have it, if it is what God wants he will make it happen.  I used to say to expect the worst and you won't be disappointed.. well it's a miracle that I am not in a much worst place since I was expecting the worst so often before!  Well, no more of that in my new life!  I will pray for this to work out, and if it is meant to be then it will be!

And as amazing as I picture this to be, if it is not meant to be.. if this is just a FEATHER, God has a WHOLE WING waiting for us that we can't even imagine yet! Maybe a WHOLE BIRD!

So what do you think?  Is THIS our feather or wing? :)

What is your feather or wing?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Full Moon this Afternoon!

The full moon is in Capricorn.  This moon energy will last through the next few days.

Pay attention to your feelings and follow them.  Get health issues addressed.  Get a pedicure or new outfit, something for your appearance. Don't overdo things!  Be practical. Clean house, check that bills are in order.
Work hard for what you want.  Start something you know will take a long time to see results that you have been wanting to do. Don't make any drastic changes.
- Secrets of Moon Astrology, Teresa Moorey

My Checklist:
Go to the doctor/dentist ( I had a dream my teeth were falling out).
I need a pedi and eyebrows threaded.
Need to clean the house (yawn).
Go over the bills.
Starting on designing my tarot/oracle deck.. oh yeah.. it's going to take a long time coming!

check out below for more good info- different than above:)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday (31/4) Eric! Welcome to 14/5!

Eric is on a 31/4 LIFE PATH, this year is his 14/5 starting today!

How do you figure this out for you? Add up the birth date: 7+2+1+9+8+4= 31: 3+1= 4= 31/4
Then add the month/day to CURRENT YEAR (It doesn't change at the new year, it changes on your birthday, so until 3:46 AM Central, Eric was on a 13/4- which was significant being his life path was 31/4!): 7+2+2+0+1+2= 14: 1+4= 14/5 -Check out Dan Millman for more info!

Next year will be a 6, then 7, then 8, then 9.. and then it starts over :)

I am going to lay Eric's life all out there as an example for how you can apply this to your life.

So in general, Eric is on a 4, that is what he came here this incarnation to address, issues that 4's are here for.. Stability and Process... and last year was his big year to work on them.. oops!  I hope he did that!

We will move on from that and talk about what this year is all about, if you are a 5 this year (or all your life), this applies to you directly!

5: Freedom and Discipline

Check out: The law of Discipline

Inner freedom through discipline, focus, and depth of experience.  That means that to develop in this, these topics will be difficult this year, but you are to overcome them and come out on top.

Plan a simple, functional, disciplined life, routine with minimal variance.  Quick to learn, but stay with something past the point of boredom.  Prioritize hobbies- health will improve if you let go of things that are at the bottom of priority list. Instead of giving into the craving of trying to learn many new things, take what you already have and learn it deeply:- mastery of important things.

Stay active to not become addicted to unimportant things.  Start a workout plan: vary the routine each day.  Addictions will not fulfill. Don't give into big things on a whim.  Try to save more $ this year.

Meditation is key: without inner freedom, you feel stuck: with inner freedom, nothing can hold you back.  Balance obsessive focus or scatter-brain.  Improve negative thinking, freedom is a state of mind.  Clairvoyance will flourish with medium abilities.  Ask for a sign, you will receive: pay attention to pictures and discover their meaning.

Learn how to balance independence/dependence this year or you may swing back between being dependent to being independent, maybe craving being single again (oh boy...).  Resist feeling like you should be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want.  Don't create drama. Keep your commitments.  Know that you are not limited by others, you create your own life by your actions and it is you that is holding you back.  If you don't like where you are, you change something!  Be a volunteer, not a victim.

Law of Honesty: Don't portray yourself as something you're not.


Happy Birthday!  Now got to work on 5 :)

Yoga Announcement- Angi

I am going to start teaching yoga classes again!  I will be calling it "Fluid Yoga" because I find yoga to be somewhat stationary which is great for inward reflection and meditation, but I like the idea of movement in a classroom setting.  You don't have to be local, we can do a video class.  All ages welcome (even seniors and especially kids).

For more info contact Angi! 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Faith- Angi

Faith- Part 1- Book of Romans, Chapter 1

I have been meaning to read the book of Romans for a few months now.  I studied it in school 10+ years ago (but I didn't pay attention), I knew it was written by Paul.  I have a personal connection with Paul, I felt it when I was in Rome and toured a prison that he was kept in while he was imprisoned for two years (I will have to add the pictures later).  I was thinking about the topic of faith and funny that I didn't have to get past the first chapter to get the focus of my message.  Did you know that Paul trusted Spirit to deliver his messages?  Just as I do... and when I write here, I try to harness the confidence and ability that Paul had with Spirit when writing the letters to the followers, when I write to you (as the followers).

Faith is something that many of us struggle with, mostly because it is greatly misunderstood.  You may have heard- faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains... well, what does that mean?  You can look at what it's simply saying: a little bit of faith can do a lot.  That is not all though...

This morning Jehovahs Witnesses came to the door and talked to Eric and gave him some pamphlets.  I was asleep and normally I would tell them I'm not interested, but now I am glad Eric took these papers because I found something in there interesting: remember: many paths lead to the same destination, so what they have some crazy ideas, all religions have some crazy ideas!  But this is not important.

I don't know specifically what Jehovahs Witnesses believe, but I know one thing they talk about is that God has a name (Jehovah).  It kind of makes sense that he is not just GOD, but he has a name so that we understand that we should conversate with him.  That is why I started doing this blog, so that I, and any one who reads, can have a daily connection with God.  Just calling God by a name helps us have a more personal feeling of him. Now the Bible I have says that his name is literally YHWH or Yahweh (or Yah for short).  I am not sure where the difference in the name came from, but the point is not that you call him the RIGHT name but that you have a personal feeling of him.  Jehovahs Witness' say the name Jehovah literally means "He Causes to Become" so when you call him by this name you are putting him first in your life and you have faith that your life is in good hands.  I like that idea.

Those of us who communicate with people after they have deceased KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is life beyond this human reality.  That is comforting (and yet awesome when realizing that for the first time) because in our lives, we try to figure out everything like it is our job.. but we can't figure out the after-life can we?   I don't even try to run my own life anymore, and man, that is a lot of stress lifted from my shoulders! Paul lived according to the Spirit and was imprisoned... I pray Spirit doesn't lead me there!

I have faith in God being first in my life and know that this will move mountains in my life.  In the tarot, mountains symbolize spirituality to me, so if you have a little faith, you can trust that God will provide you with a lot of faith.  I am not sure how much more faith I can have.. I started out smaller than a mustard seed a few months ago and I can say many mountains have moved already...  but that is not the point of having faith.. you have to do something with it... I feel Spirit leading me to write.  It is hard to think about because people may look at me and say, well who is she to write God's word?  Well, I believe Paul was a murderer before he found his faith.  What kind of person do you have to be to be trusted that you are speaking the word of God (Many preachers do it every Sunday!)?  I am confident that what I write here is Spirit driven, but I was worried that people would not believe me or listen if God gave me a huge message

Well, Paul says to them that faith is trusting that the Spirit works through you.  So don't worry about how, when, or why... just that it is so!  Paul wrote Rome almost 2000 years ago and I am just now getting this message? Hopefully people won't need 2000 years to use what Spirit moves me to write, but if that is the case then OK.  But that doesn't mean to not do it because YOU don't understand what will come of it, or who will be affected, or how long it will take!

You are here on earth so the Spirit can work through you... that is all!  You have to connect to this thought (You have to do this in your own ways)!  If you are trying to lead your own life, it will not work out well for you, it will be a constant struggle until you surrender!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Message of the Day- Angi

Good day, fellow earthlings (or whatever you are, haha).  So, yesterday I received contact information, from a friend, of someone who is filling positions down here in Tampa.  This is not the first lead I have followed... I drafted the email, attached my resume and hovered over the "SEND" button thinking... did I dot all my t's and cross my i's (backwards, I know).. I said, I am going to go pull a card before I send this off.

I pulled the Ace of Wands which means (to me) God handing you a new job, reach out and apply for new jobs.. WOW!

Quick little prayer (God, if this is what you want for our family, let it be so) and ...SEND!

We'll see what happens, but really, it doesn't matter.  With a message as clear as Ace of wands it didn't really take any thought to hit that button and just trust that God is in control whether I get the call back or not is not important.

You see, these other positions weren't what God wanted for us.  There were lessons to be learned first.  They would not have been right even though we were struggling and thought we knew what we needed (me to be working).  See, the word NEED is a funny word.. turns out we are still alive and we have not starved yet and our bills are paid (sometimes late, but PAID). Funny how our finances all of a sudden are doing really well now that we are living by following God and yet more doors keep opening.  I have always heard all these cutesy sayings about if you put God first all other things will follow, and similar thoughts, but they aren't joking, it is so true.

How do you ask God if what you are about to do is right for you?  Do you ever feel like you are about to make a big decision and you are not sure you should?  You may not like the idea of using a tarot deck, so what do you do?  You are about to hit send and need a quick answer.. what do you do? Meditation is the most pure way.  Meditation is like prayer except instead of asking God for things, you shut up and listen. On the outside it looks exactly the same. First, pray that God gives you a clear answer, then ask the question and listen... what is the first answer that comes to mind?  Don't doubt it, you have asked God to answer you and he did. 

I have a hard time meditating with these kids running around.  I like to use Tarot for many reasons.  For you, there are many options besides Tarot.  The important part is to pray first!  All that matters is that you find your way to communicate with God and receive his guidance in your daily lives.  Whatever it is that you feel spiritually comfortable with and enjoy using.

God loves when his children talk to him (prayer) but he LOVES when they LISTEN!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Message of the Day- Angi

I have not done a message in the last few days because I am going through a huge transformation in my own life right now.  I have been told many times that I need to work on my expression, stand my ground, stand for what I believe, say things instead of suppressing them.

You notice when you do that you make enemies?  Well, that is OK, the time is now for me to not hold back.  Sorry if you are on this list.  Maybe you are on the same boat as me... well it has a leak and is sinking.  So grab your life jacket (GOD) and jump in that rocky water (difficult emotions) and swim to that oasis island (once you have expressed all you need to).  The people who need to be in your life will be on that island with you and the ones who aren't shouldn't be anyways. 

Who is that person that you are not expressing what you need to.. would you want to be stuck on a desert island with them?  Didn't think so.  The lessons were given.  Time to part ways so you can reflect and learn from them in order to better yourself and improve your life.  Thank them (even if just in your head) for their lessons and move on!

You think but....... my finances... but we're family... but this..... but that... God will support you, even if it's difficult, you will come out stronger in the end.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Trust- Angi

Before I went to sleep I a pulled a stone that said 'something is coming to an end.'  It made me think of the Tarot as there are a few cards that mean this also.  I don't ever take 'the end' to mean something bad. I thought for a moment about what it is that might be coming to an end and several things came to mind.

 I went to sleep with the confidence that I would find out while dreaming.  Before I sleep each night I pray something like this:  "Please allow us (the whole family) to get a restful nights sleep and may our dreams be only positive and helpful.  Please protect us and our home while we sleep."

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily...

Life is but a dream!

Have you ever had a dream within a dream?  Have you ever been dreaming and realize you are dreaming?

Who's to say you aren't dreaming right now? Prove you aren't (you can't)!

Last night I was dreaming and it was like a regular dream, random events, etc. like normal.  All of a sudden I was in the presence of a guide/angel/ascended master/teacher (not sure yet which one-doesn't matter) and she was an Indian woman (country India) who spoke English with a very strong accent.  All of a sudden I knew that I had been asleep and dreaming and that I still am, but she is there to give me a message for my waking life.  It was like I was awake Angi with my conscious brain, but in a dream and aware of it.

This has only happened to me before when lucid dreaming (more on this later). BUT THIS WAS DIFFERENT!

So what did she have to say?  First let me tell you what it felt like.. I felt like my body was really warm and full of electricity like I myself was electrical.  I think that is what it feels like to be a spirit.  I could see clearly like when awake, not like how it is in a dream usually.  Colors were very vivid.  She was wearing red.  She did not feel familiar to me.  I felt like she was very wise and I feel blessed that she came to give me a message as if saying I have achieved something special to be at this point in my spirituality.

When I meditate and am at medium training it is not that clear, it is actually less clear than my regular dreams. but this was like extremely clear.

Then I went back to my regular dreaming.  I said, "I know I am dreaming again." The moment had passed.

The message was for me personally, but maybe you can get something from it: TRUST.  She had a whole message but all I can remember is TRUST.  I will expand on this later on today as when I wake I ask to be reminded of my helpful messages when they are needed.

Update: sometimes you aren't reminded by your own brain, sometimes there are SIGNS to remind you.  I look for these throughout each day and I just found my reminder about TRUST.

TRUST that you are exactly where you need to be right now.  I keep regretting that when I was 20 I had a deck of Tarot cards and if I had only used them regularly then I would be so good at this by now.  Well I am where I am supposed to be right now.  And so are you.  But don't STAY here.. keep practicing and learning!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Message of the day- Eric & Angi

Tarot- Rider Waite Deck

Magician Reversed

Angi- I personally think we should strive to live in the positive and the reversal may be where you are currently but you should use the upright meaning to see where you could be and consciously work toward that.

Eric- Today's message is a combination of my dream from last night and this card which shows you may lack seeing the Light is working currently in your life.  The Light works differently for every person.  Be accepting of what others have to offer you.  Although, it may not be in a conventional way according to your beliefs, use your intellect to translate it into your own life. People may be critical rather than accepting, but understand there are multiple paths to the Light of God.  We all cross paths for a reason.  Whether it is for healing (emotional / physical) or to learn a lesson.  Either way you must remain open to each person that enters your life to take the next step toward God. 

Angi- Strive to be someone who trusts that God will work through you: but did you know that you have to actually do some work your self and don't just walk around all day knowing you have faith and are not living like it.  What do you DO each day that is a positive testament to your character? What would people say about you if they were to describe you?  You can't change completely overnight, but just for today try to be a better version of yourself. Imagine the difference that will soon be made if you start to do that each day.  What do you have to contribute to the world?  What are your gifts/talents?  Whatever they are, ask that God help you use them for his will.  Did you know if you do, you won't have the problems you may be having in your life right now?  We have problems when we go against what we are supposed to be doing.

God Given Gift- Angi

Hola! For the launch of our page I am going to do a quick message.

If you want more background on my messages, please refer HERE. (Opens new Window)

TAROT- Rider Waite Deck

Ace Of Cups 

This is an amazing card to be given.  I know this card is appropriate for me but what is it referring to in YOUR life, please comment below and let me know!

Traditional meanings: Ace of Cups shows a hand coming out of a cloud holding a large single cup.  When I see the Ace suit, I automatically say something is "God Given" because this is what I have learned to be the hand of God.  Cups represent emotions.  The cup is overflowing, therefore: whatever it is you want with all your heart is being given to you by God.

Angi's intuitive message: I see this card as a new beginning of Faith for us.  I am beginning my journey to bring these messages to you which requires a large degree of faith; and you are newly reading them and applying them to your life, and so it is a new way of Faith for both of us. 

For now, simply take comfort in knowing that there is more to this life than you may have thought so far and completely absorb just that for today.  

Something being given directly from God is a very powerful thought even if you aren't sure you believe in God at this time.  Or maybe you do know of a God existence, but don't feel a strong connection at this time.  

If you have a strong faith, this is about what you want most in your life happening for you!

My Summary:  God is giving you the beginning of a wonderful gift that makes your heart sing.

Action: Think for a second about where your faith stands.  Now think for a minute where you WANT your faith to be.  Now ask for it to be so....  And so it is!  It's that easy-peasy-lemon-squeasy!