Friday, June 29, 2012

Message of the Day- Angi

Good day, fellow earthlings (or whatever you are, haha).  So, yesterday I received contact information, from a friend, of someone who is filling positions down here in Tampa.  This is not the first lead I have followed... I drafted the email, attached my resume and hovered over the "SEND" button thinking... did I dot all my t's and cross my i's (backwards, I know).. I said, I am going to go pull a card before I send this off.

I pulled the Ace of Wands which means (to me) God handing you a new job, reach out and apply for new jobs.. WOW!

Quick little prayer (God, if this is what you want for our family, let it be so) and ...SEND!

We'll see what happens, but really, it doesn't matter.  With a message as clear as Ace of wands it didn't really take any thought to hit that button and just trust that God is in control whether I get the call back or not is not important.

You see, these other positions weren't what God wanted for us.  There were lessons to be learned first.  They would not have been right even though we were struggling and thought we knew what we needed (me to be working).  See, the word NEED is a funny word.. turns out we are still alive and we have not starved yet and our bills are paid (sometimes late, but PAID). Funny how our finances all of a sudden are doing really well now that we are living by following God and yet more doors keep opening.  I have always heard all these cutesy sayings about if you put God first all other things will follow, and similar thoughts, but they aren't joking, it is so true.

How do you ask God if what you are about to do is right for you?  Do you ever feel like you are about to make a big decision and you are not sure you should?  You may not like the idea of using a tarot deck, so what do you do?  You are about to hit send and need a quick answer.. what do you do? Meditation is the most pure way.  Meditation is like prayer except instead of asking God for things, you shut up and listen. On the outside it looks exactly the same. First, pray that God gives you a clear answer, then ask the question and listen... what is the first answer that comes to mind?  Don't doubt it, you have asked God to answer you and he did. 

I have a hard time meditating with these kids running around.  I like to use Tarot for many reasons.  For you, there are many options besides Tarot.  The important part is to pray first!  All that matters is that you find your way to communicate with God and receive his guidance in your daily lives.  Whatever it is that you feel spiritually comfortable with and enjoy using.

God loves when his children talk to him (prayer) but he LOVES when they LISTEN!!!!

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